Selasa, 04 Desember 2018


Halo sahabat Spendu,

Pada artikel kali ini kami akan mengumumkan serta menunjukan foto-foto terbaik pada
#spendutourthejava2018. Foto-foto ini dibagi menjadi 10 Kategori, yaitu dokumentasi persiapan keberangkatan, Pura Rambut Siwi, Pelabuhan Gilimanuk, Pura Mandara Giri Semeru Lumajang, Jatim Park I Malang, Candi Borobudur, Candi Prambanan, Malioboro, Keraton Kesultanan Yogyakarta, dan Museum Pusat TNI AU Dirgantara Mandala.

Berikut adalah foto-foto terbaik #spendutourthejava2018

1. Keberangkatan

Foto terbaik dari  @byankanoor01
2. Pura Rambut Siwi

Foto terbaik dari  @wiidyaaryanti_

3. Pelabuhan Gilimanuk

Foto terbaik dari  @christian_juan000

4. Pura Mandara Giri Semeru Lumajang

Foto terbaik dari  @madechiaki_penyarikan08

5. Jatim Park 1 Malang

Foto terbaik dari  @triisnanggrenii

6. Candi Borobudur

Foto terbaik dari @d.arfian

7. Candi Prambanan

Foto terbaik dari  @_.reva_

8. Malioboro
Foto terbaik dari  @wrntha

9. Keraton Kesultanan Yogyakarta

Foto terbaik dari @tantisuryani_

10. Museum Pusat TNI AU Dirgantara Mandala

Foto terbaik dari @gabriellavanessakade

Selamat kepada para pemenang foto terbaik #spendutourthejava2018
Menurut Kitab Tatang Sutarman...
"1+1=2, Jika Mereka Bisa, Kamu Pasti Bisa!"

P.S untuk pemenang ga dapet hadiah apa-apa hehehehe... 

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2018


Hari ini telah berlangsung kegiatan jalan santai yang diikuti oleh seluruh warga SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan, dengan rute perjalanan dari sekolah menuju tempat pariwisata Garuda Wisnu kencana. Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan menyambut HUT RI yang terakhir, setelah kemarin melaksanakan berbagai macam kegiatan lomba yang inovatif dan edukatif, maka hari ini anak-anak diajak untuk menyehatkan diri dengan berjalan santai.

Pengurus OSIS memimpin barisan  dengan membawa bendera Merah putih dan beberapa bendera lambang organisasi sekolah.  SEMANGAT 45!!!

OSIS sebagai pemimpin barisan, dikuti oleh teman-teman lainnya dengan membawa bendera kecil

Ayo semangat rute tujuan sudah dekat!!
Supaya tetep semangat, salah satu penyanyi spendu menghibur kita dengan lagu andalanya nihh,

Wow, penampilan penyanyi Spendu bikin semangat lagi yaa!!

Anggreni,Pranji,Tirta (IX A)

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


Kegiatan dalam rangka menyambut HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-73 pada hari kedua di SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan, dilanjutkan dengan beberapa lomba akademik dan juga olah raga gembira, seperti lomba Mengarang Bahasa Indonesia, Final Debat Bahasa Indonesia, Story Telling, dan lomba Bakiak.

Sebelum kegiatan lomba dimulai, seluruh siswa melakukan senam pagi terlebih dahulu
Ayo senam, biar tambah semangat!
Keseriusan siswa kelas 8 yang mengikuti lomba Mengarang Bahasa Indonesia
Pengurus OSIS yang sedang mempersiapkan properti perlengkapan lomba

Lomba Bakiak yang diikuti oleh 3 perwakilan dari masing - masing kelas 8 & 9
Go go go!! lakukan kerja sama yang baik ya, sampai ke garis finish!
Wah, para Guru juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam lomba Bakiak loh..
Pertandingan futsal antar siswa dan para guru. Semangat!
Pertandingan bola basket antar siswi pengurus OSIS dengan para guru
Dan kegiatan pun diakhiri dengan lomba Story Telling yang diikuti oleh perwakilan dari masing - masing kelas 9

Anggreni,Pranji,Tirta (IX A)

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2018


Dalam rangka menyambut HUT Kemerdekaan RI yang ke 73, SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan mengadakan berbagai macam lomba inovatif dan edukatif. Rangkaian kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14 sampai 16 Agustus 2018. Lomba-lomba yang diadakan, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mental siswa, mencari bibit - bibit yang terpendam, menambah prestasi sekolah dan memovitasi siswa untuk tetap semangat dalam meraih prestasi. Pagi ini telah dilaksanakan beberapa lomba, Seperti Lomba Melukis, Debat Bahasa Indonesia, MIPA, Cipta Puisi, KIR, Speech Contest, Catur, dan Komputer.

Lomba cipta puisi yang pesertanya merupakan perwakilan dari kelas7
Lomba MIPA yang pesertanya merupakan perwakilan kelas 9 
Lomba debat bahasa Indonesia yang pesertanya merupakan perwakilan kelas 9
Lomba melukis yang pesertanya merupakan perwaklan dari kelas 8 & 9 
Lomba komputer yang pesertanya merupakan perwakilan dari kelas 9
Lomba catur yang pesertanya merupakan perwakila dari kelas  7, 8 & 9

Anggreni,Pranji,Tirta (IX A)  

Selasa, 17 Juli 2018


 "The "MPLS" "

Hello, my name is Reva. I'm 14 years old, and i'm about to tell you my experience when i'm being a committee of a "MPLS" event that also can be called "the introduction of the school environment". First, i had to tell you what is "MPLS" was. The "MPLS" is an event that used for the new students to study about the school environment and others, like  "say no to drugs" campaign and study about how important is love in our community. Yeah, thats all i know, now i'll start to tell you my story.

   Sunday, 8 July 2018. Pre-"MPLS"

  It was my first time participating a "MPLS" event. On this day, the agenda's were practicing flag's ceremony with the new students. I was thinking that this going to be easy because we always train classes every week for attending the flag ceremony. At that time I was at the teacher's office helping my friend packing the beverage for the new students. Well, nothing really good happens in that day and I felt really empty. And it was a big punch to me because in that day the events not going really well. 😥

Monday, 9 July 2018. "MPLS" Day 1

   This was the day for the flag ceremony for the opening of the "MPLS". I work at the audio system part that I not really good at. And my friends attend the flag ceremony at the field. Its all going well until I ruins everything. "Hormat!! Grak!!" That I always hear in my head and my adrenaline start flowing. I turned on the "Indonesia Raya" music and nothing happened. I panicked and start to check all that I probably miss. When i busy checked everything, Widnyana checked the volume on my phone. And its actually turned off. I really pissed off and start to crying at the corner. I cried because I always disappointing my friends and my teacher when flag ceremony. Its really hard for me, even when i tried to not retry the same mistake again but still it always happens. And its making me going crazy. When its all over and its 13 AM or 1 PM. Me and my friends start to discuss what contest that will we attend tomorrow. We choose the "pipe pong" and "line of march" for tomorrow contest. I felt really exhausted and when I got home at 6 PM. I'm laying on my bed and wake up at 3 AM. Well it was a really rough day for sure. 😅😅

     Tuesday, 10 July 2018. "MPLS" Day 2

   This was the day that I always waiting for.
The day that the O.S.I.S. rule the "MPLS". We start the contest at 7.15, with the "line of march" first. The rule is simple, all you had to do is to follow the instructions. For example, "line up for the fattest to the skinniest". And you had to line up with the weight comparison. The first team that complete the objective wins. And second we do the "pipe pong". It was fun and simple too, you had to connect the pipe with your friends and let the ball goes thru until the end. And put the ball inside the bucket. Well, maybe its harder to explain in texts but it was easy to understand. At 10 AM we start a movie with a projector and of course I was the person in charge for that. When the movie started I forgot how to make it "full view". I really panicked because its not gonna be going really well. But Gilang says that its alright because we can still watch it tho. That makes me a little bit calmed than before. And its all over, but still I was really enjoying it. At 3 PM we trained "PBB" for tommorow event, because a lot of us not really understand about it including me. And its all not going really well but still, I got all experiences from that training.

      Wednesday, 10 July 2018. "MPLS" Day 3

This was the last day of the "MPLS" events. Well nothing significant happens in this day but still makes me happy because all of this "torture" is over. And when my teacher want to announce the winner group of the "MPLS", Me and Christa miss calculated the results and I really ashamed about that. Yeah, and nothings really "good" happens since that.

    Thursday, 11 July 2018. Anti-Drugs Campaign

  The police department sents 2 people to presents how bad drugs is if you consumed it. And yeah...... Same as usual

   Friday, 12 July 2018. The Test

Nothing happen a lot this day and this was the day when I typed this story. And its all I can remembered. I hope it was like what you asked.

 Sincerely, Reva Prasetya 28 IX A
Pict. No. 1. At the backstage 
Pict. No. 2 and 3. Buying fishes for the "MPLS" event
Pict. No. 4. Taking a group photo when the new students or the "MPLS" attendance in the class with the teacher.

Feeling of Being the Committee of MPLS

my feelings as a committee mpls are
*very happy and proud ,because i know more clearly how to lead or educate prospective students smp n 2 kuta selatan , so they know and more familiar with the citizens of school smp n 2 kuta selatan who follow the activities mpls
*in that activity too,every student must have different character , in which i am in training patience , so that i say
*and i say tahnk you very much to the teachers who have been accompanying during this activity took place ,  so they have officially become student of smp n 2 kuta selatan
-thank you-

name:ni kadek metta sancitha sari
clas:VIII g

My experience in following the mpls is I was taught to be patient in the face of the class sister, and I can lesson in guiding the younger brother in the right direction
Nama : Mohammad Fikriyansah
Kelas  : IX A
No      : 19

My Experience

My experience in following this mpls activity is to add insight to the future and also get the science where we should be taught to be students but here we are teaching others to be students. So thankyou🙏

Name : Komang Tri Suci Ayu Ningsih
No     : 30
Class : VIIIB

My Experience About MPLS

So that day at 9 july 2018 i with my friend anastasya,ayumas and me will introduction ours self to new the introduction sent si funny i was laughing so hard when the student gets so stupid.The funny part is somebody said i was beautiful but im a boy, my friend laugh so hard that she cannot stop laughing. But in that part i dint angry at all i just smile at the student

Nama: ikomang wismani bhawantu kepakisan

The Love Story of MPLS

During my MPLS activities,  I as OSIS administrator ,have my own experience .I met my brother's brother who was friendly and also good, I tried to guide my sister's brother well and correctly so that they understood well with the activty of MPLS .Although sometimes in my class as a builder even confused what to do nest. For 3 days i and also other OSIS counselors guided our younger brother with a very happy feeling to be able to mingle with them .Our thanks for the younger sister of the new students

CLASS :9A / 18 


On 9th-11th July my school held an event "pls" (the introduction of the school environment), this event was designed by us, we were OSIS junior high school number two of south kuta. At the time all of the OSIS got a team to our lead. And i got the Osing team for i lead. At that time i was very excited for it
     Then, when pls arrived i was very impatient. All of them (the members of Osing team), was very funny. I was trying to lead with love and affection. And i also tried to be patient to lead them. But, sometimes i feel angry, sad or dissampponted when they can not be arranged. And it all was a very rewarding experience for me.

Nama   : Ni Komang Witia Priyastiwi
No.abs : 35
Kelas    : IX A

Patience Testers

During the introduction of the school environment, my patience is strongly tested, because in Tribe Dani Group, boy and girl prospective new student very can't to be told, to the point of make me the emotion an companion teacher Dani Group.
But i hold my emotions, i just tell them to appreciate people talking. And on last day i asked them to make a massage and an impression about me and my partner, almost 99% said I was fierce, so Sad. But beside that, they say that I am annoyed to make them discipline, So I feel so happy because they don't think my attitude is leading to a negative attitude. And when the introduction of the school evieonment has been completed, boy and girl from Tribe Dani Group give me so many bucket flowers and say thankyou to me, because have been aducate them from 3 day. And they say sorry because make me annoyed. I am pround of them.

Name : Putri Anastasya Dewi, Ni Luh
Number : 27
Class : IX H

 My Experience as a Member of OSIS

I remember when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, I was very anxious to be a part of OSIS in junior high school later, and over time, I went to the fifth grade of my intent school to become an OSIS it was gone somewhere, then the time went on until I graduated from elementary school, and new student enrollment in junior high school was opened, and I chose to go to SMP N 2 Kuta south, and my intention to become an OSIS was back, his enrollment of OSIS candidates for 2017/2018, and I signed up, I thought I would not pass the osis board interview, but I was accepted, then I followed all the activities of OSIS. Before I joined the OSIS I was a person who has a shy personality, but since I joined OSIS I became more confident.

Nama : I Gede Wahyu Raditya 
No.     : 29
Kelas  : VII C

Experience about MPLS

During MPLS, I was so happy because i can met many new students of "SMPN 2 Kuta Selatan" .First, i introduce about myself to them, then we know each other and become closer than before.Im in the squad named "Bugis", of course im not alone, 2 of my friends are with me, they are Gede Wahyu and Diah Anggreni, I was so happy when they called me "Kak Diva" , i don't know how to explain it, but i'm really proud that i can participate in MPLS a few days ago.

Nama : Putu Diva Adhi Tayana
Kelas : 9a
No Absen : 10

My Experience

My experience at teaching is fun, because i can share knowledge with them. I can play and have fun with them. Many lessons I learned from the MPLS this year, one of them is learning the meaning of working together. Because I think, without working between one person with others or between teachers and students, this MPLS will not run well. In my opinion, MPLS this year is full of love and affection. So Thankyou SPENDU

Name : Ni Komang Prabaswari Mas Putri Wirawan
No : 20
Class : VIII A

My Experience Moment MPLS

MPLS dated July 9-11,2018 in SMP Negeri two South Kuta. Activity-activities carried out very various kinds,younger brother and sister who is very cheerful. Who is very excited and happy. I am very pround and happy to be an OSIS brother who accompany younger brother and sister for three days do MPLS. The various competitions in this MPLS activity. The younger brother and sister are so excited about the race. This experience is for me an experience that I will never forget because it teaches many things that i have not know before. I am grateful to the guidance teacher who has given me the opportunity to Accompany the younger brother and sistet of the student of SMP Negeri two south kuta this.

Nama:IKadek Permana Putra
Kelas :8c
No.     :21

A Very Pleasant Experience

I feel very happy because it can act as a very fun committee can be trusted to handle the younger brother of the tribe bugis. my experience while guiding the younger brother very happy brothers of the bugis tribe is very can be given know and no one to fight and I am proud as a committee mpls this year
Nama : kdk Diah Anggreni Puspita Dewi
Kls      : IX
No.      : 17

MPLS Spendu

Hello spendu friend, introduce me ayumas one member of osis spendu board, I want to share my experience as a committee mpls academic year 2018/2019. Of course I feel very happy to participate to nurture and educate younger siblings of new students SMPN 2 Kuta South. I hope with the guidance of the father and mother of the teacher can be a motivation or encouragement for students to be able to obey all the existing order, and can be a young generation who excel in order to boast SMPN 2 Kuta South jaya school. So much that I can say, may be useful. Keep the spirit of osis spendu.

Nama: Ayumas Dinda Maheswari
Kelas: VIII F
No : 07

My Experience

my experience when im following this MPLS or we can mean it "Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah". i feel so exited,because there's many student register in SMPN 2 Kuta Selatan. Then,i can teaching and leading some student. sometimes i feel so proud of me,because many juniors say thankyou for me because i can make they laugh and know what they dont understand. sometimes,i feel upset too if i meet student who never want to listening my plan,but i know i must patience to facing they. last, i feel so inspired after following MPLS. because many activities can make my brain stop thinking of positive idea. I hope i can be better and be smart too after following this MPLS.
So,i say thankyou very much of this event!

Name : Aurellia Dhani Nurhaliza
No       :04
Class  :VIIIA

My experience about the receipt of new students is very incredible and I will never forget.This experience teach me about how I can be responsible my duty,teach me how about discipline when my friends still sleep I'm ready go to school,and the most important the receipt of new students teach me how about cooperation because we are team.When this"Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah" I'm carry out many things as play game,singing,and help teacher for many things .I'm very happy because I can study become leader from this activity and this experience very precious for me.I say thank you for experience and your cooperation.

No: 9
Kelas: IX A

Pengalaman Saat Menjadi Panitia MPLS

My experience being the MPLS committee is
I am verry happy to be albe to guide and guide younger siblings like line of training,to help make songs and displays on stage 
Besides that l also can get to know brother of good brother,naughty and fussy,bihind it all there is anger,annoyunce and happy tucked for theree days as a committee MPLS(period of introduction of school environment 

Name:i kadek vhisma ananda 
Class:Vlll h 
Attendee’s number:28 

Organizational Experience

My name is ni komang saharsa anantari , I am thirteen years old. I school at smpn 2 south kuta. In school i follow three organizations one of them is osis. Many of the benefits i get in the organization , start from knowing more friends to change the mindset our 2018/2019 academic year osis board members get the job as committee mpls (the introduction of school environment). From there i get valuable experience such as how to lead,opinion and so forth 

Nama : Ni Komang Saharsa Anantari
No       : 30
Kelas.  : IX D

My Exprience is My Inspiration

At Monday 9th Juli 2018 is the flag ceremony in the opening MPLS in my school, the flag ceremony end at 09.00 am, after i get a task to guide participants of MPLS,and i get to guide the groups ASMAT,here i getting the happy exprience,i guide my groups it is full in love.The first day we didn't get anythings,then i gave intruction to my group to keep the spirit and discipline. And right the next day we get the gold star but we are still up some stars by others group, and i again gave intruction to keep the spirit and at the end of his we are managed to be winer.And I also manged to be the favorite of osis
"If you want to be successful, you do it without a doubt with great full in love and don't forget to always discipline and spirit"

Nama:IKetut Yuda Wisnu Merta
No.     :35
Kls.     :IX D

Experience While MPLS

Hello! I want to tell you about my experience during the MPLS activities.
Right on 9th to 11th July, 2018. At SMPN 2 Kuta Selatan. In my school was an activities named MPLS or the introduction of school environment. Where the OSIS are asked to participate the activities.
On the first day, we were the opening ceremony. Then after the ceremony is finished, the new student are divided into 10 groups. Where the named of each group is take from the tribe in Indonesia. And I had a duty as a coach in Dayak tribe. At the first time I will introduce myself to the new students. I felt nervous.
But before that. I felt comfortable between them. On the second day. I am very happy, because my group got gold star as the King and Queen for a day.
The third day. I was annoyed. Because the new students are a bit hard to teach, but i tried to stay patient and diligent to teach them. The final event is announcement about the best group in MPLS, I felt that my tribe will not win. But the truth, we ended draw with Osing tribe in second rank. Then we all were take pictures as memories.
From the MPLS activities. I felt very happy and the activities is so fun. I studied how to be discipline, responsible, be coorperative, and be more mature. I wanted to say thank you for the cooperation during the MPLS and the incredible experience.

Nama: Luh Gede Oka Puspa Ayu Arya Dewi Arya
No: 24
Kelas: IX B

Pengalaman Menjadi Panitia

One day at SMPN 2 Kuta Selatan in the activities of the introduction of the school enviroment there i became a committee. I am also very happy,because it can help and take care of new students. At SMPN 2Kuta Selatan i get a lot of experience,because it can educate my new students before i can get angry with them, but i am angry for worry about their situation.

Nama : Kadek Vina Astari Meylani
No       : 27
Kelas  : Vlll H

Experience of MPLS

My experience of receiving new students is remarkable and I will never get it. Experience teaches me how I can take responsibility for my duties, teaches me how to strict discipline when my friends are still sleeping, I am ready to go to school, and most importantly the recruitment of new students teaches me how to cooperation because  if there is no cooperation in the group then the group will not be able to complete the task

Nama : Ni Kadek Hana Gita Dewi
Kelas  : IX a
No       :14

Become MPLS Committee

At the introduction of the school environment for three days, I got a job in the tribe asmat.I as the committee happy with the younger siblings in the tribe asmat because win the game pingpong pipe, which in the game his younger siblings can work together. At the time of showing yel yel, yel yel asmat tribe became the best yel yel. And I also feel disappointed because in the other race the Asmat tribe lost. Before the introduction of the school environment in the closing was announced to the tribe who became the first champion of the tribe asmat. I feel proud and touched to the younger siblings in the Asmat tribe for being champion. Me  pande and yuda as the committee of the tribe asmat thank the class sister because of your cooperation we can be the best tribe.

Nama : Ni Putu Diva Mahayanti Giri Hartana
No : 16 
Kelas : IX G

My School MPLS

My school MPLS is so fun. There are lot of games in this event. How ever, we never forget to give a good point in every single game. At break time, we got to know each other with the new students in my school. I'm so happy for this event. Because, this is my first time become a committee in big event like this and its going well. I will do it better in the next event.

Nama : I Nyoman Widnyana Putra
Kelas : 8a
No : 32

My Experience During MPLS

I was became a team companion in an introductory of school environtment,  we call it with MPLS. The team named "Suku Batak". I was very happy because I met many new students. I consired them as my friends and they also consired me as their friend. MPLS has been going on for 3 days. In MPLS, there was many activities like competitions to collect stars as much as possible. I felt so happy because I can accompany my new friends during competitions. Because of our strong solidarity, we collected 2 golden stars and 1 bronze star. At the last day of MPLS, our team got third rank. It certainly made us happy. This experience will be my amazing experience in the school. I can encourage them (new students) to always be strong and compact with other friends. That's my experience during MPLS. I'm sorry if i had a badword. At the end, I say.. Thank you..

N a m e  : Dwi Arfian
Number : 11
Grade     : IX A (Nine)

"A very pleasant second experience”

9-11 july 2018, so that is the second day where I can teach and introduce smp n 2 kuta selatan to new students from various elementary school, even though in guiding the new student is not easy, there are naughty, hard to tell, shy, angry, and so forth, but I am very proud to be able to get this valuable experience, if I do not participate in this organization, maybe I can not feel guiding the students who have many different properties. That is the thing that I can convey during the introduction of the school environment in the smp n 2 kuta selatan.

Nama : muhammad gilang zakaria
Kelas  : lX B
No       : 20

Experience as a MPLS Committee

When I became a committee registration for new stundents at Two South Kuta Junior High School, I was really proud cause I was chosen from so many people.
After registration, is time for MPLS (Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah) for new students at Two South Kuta Junior High School. And I feel so happy and proud cause I can lead new students at Sunda group. I lead Sunda group with two seniors.
First day, we introduce our self in front of Sunda group class. And the group members also introduce themselves. We try to entertain, but it’s not easy to entertain. New students are also very fun, there is also peeve.
In next day, my group got third place at first game, I’m very proud of them. And after that, I introduce my self at other group. Sometimes, I feelin’ fed up cause they don’t responed when I called.
And last day, my group show them creativity and they got second place for that. And one of members group got the tidiest clothing title, and comes early most. Although, my group didn’t win but spirit not fade.
That’s my experience as committee. And, I’m very happy to be part of this committee.

Nama  : Ni Kadek Asti Puspita Sari
No        : 03
Kelas    : VIIIA

The Meaning Behind the Screen

The morning I was trapped in ambition, staring at the time that seemed to pass and force to do positive activities during the holidays, being a small committee for big event forcing as if to do good for big events run smoothly, unique and interesting, to be a motorcycle in a show is indeed pride small for yourself, new experience being the MPLS committee or the introduction of the school environment teaches me to always be a small person who always has great insight into the leader and mover of an event

Nama: Komang Gede Guna Pujastaman (10/VIII A)

A Great Experience

Here  i heve a good experience and i am taught to appreciate the time here also my emotion in practice must be very patient because they are the new students who received in junior high school two of south kuta 327 here i have to watch over a veary annoying sister here where my patient begins on the test thought once i feel proud to my group because they can show their expertise and i feel successful watching them until one of my team the title as king. And they showed that they succeeded and finally got the 3rd champion it made me happy even though at the time the activity took place actualy i want to be angry but they test all that and even thought i have problem with one osis but i feel happy because they have showed the actual to on my thanks my group and thanks for my teacher 

Nama :Ni putu purnama wati 
No       :23
Kelas  :IXi

The day that the Pre-MPLS was held is one day that made me dizzy and slighty disappointed,because that day one mistake happened due to the osis member's neglect of resposibility they held. But after that i can feel proud and relieved to be able to carry out this event well thanks to good cooperation as well as when we have to stay in school for 12 hours to prepared some games,woahhh it's so fun. And more impressive is the warm atmosphere full of jokes and laughter with prospective new students in the classroom and the field, smile when they introduce themselves(i'm flashback when i was in that position), and when i have to endure emotions when they are ignorant and naughty.
And it will be hard to forget because this is the first time for me become MPLS committee

Putu Ayu Pradnya Gita Maharani, Kls:IX A, No:5


My experience on "MPLS" as a organizer SMPN 2 South of Kuta is very fun and nice, because I can meet a lot of new students.In the firts day I introduced my self to the new students and they also introduced themselves, we played some games,but when the teacher arrived at the classroom I get out from the class it's so fun,but in the second days I cannot go to MPLS because I'm following parade on that day I fell little bit sad but it's not the end.
In the last day on MPLS I'm teaching students PBB and it's just fun to teach them,when it's the end we're going to take a picture together with the new students and the picture looks great.After that the students show their creativity it's very nice and I fell good next we're listening lecture from the teacher I fell little bit boring,but after that we're going to the end of the MPLS days,the new students are very very happy because the MPLS day is done.      I fell so happy because I can following the MPLS DAY,I can meet new students and we can with them too.So that's I only can say and always be happy.

Nama  : I Wayan Suastika Putra
Kelas   : 9 A

My Experience

Experience :when i become the organizer of "MPLS" I feel so happy because I can meet the face of a new student of SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan and I am also pleased to have introduced the school environment to the new students SMPN 2 Kuta Selatan

Name :Rhesa Fajar Savero
No       :29 /IX A

Experience MPLS

My experience is that I can help younger siblings in the introductory school environment. I feel very happy, happy, and proud to be acquainted, also play and introduce to them their new school carpath. We from Osis held many games that are followed by them. They also showed the talents they had for three days in school. They are a very creative and accomplished young generation.

Name : Charline Batzheba
No       : 11 
Kelas  : VIII B

My Experience in MPLS

Hi.. My name is Dewa Ayu Tirta Jiwantari, I would like to tell you about my experience in MPLS 2018 at SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan. This was my second time as an committee in MPLS for a new students. In this section my accupation was a documentator. 
My good teacher is Mr. Priyana Ginada gaving me believed of this accupation. He choosed 3 person for document section. We made videos all of activity MPLS, of course completelly. 'Cause we follow journalist extra and Mr. Priyana Ginada as my instructur so he believed to us. From this activity also we could share to our blog. He also allowed me to share in Social media. Our school has magazine blog special for sharing about school activities.

Sure in the 21st century, i want to study of E-learning. We used all of facility that we had. For example digital magazine. We gave a job for all of the student at that magazine. We got a positive respons from many people, such as : administator, teacher, new students and student of parent. Of course we were glad because our job got a result. Our teacher also glad to our job.

After MPLS was finish, we hope get this job again because we are glad to do it. We want to manage digital magazine again. I hope my teacher Mr. Priyana Ginada give me a chance again to do it. I hope i can keep the school good image. Our school, the favorite school, SMP N 2 Kuta Selatan.

That all of my good experience. I will not get this experience in the other place. I proud of my school. I proud can study at SMP N 2 Kuta Selatan.🙂💕

Name : Dewa Ayu Tirta Jiwantari
Class  : IX A (33)

The Experience That Makes Me Feel Proud

Monday, July 9, 2018 was admission day for new students at my school.  The day was the beginning of the Student Orientation Period (MPLS) for prospective new students accepted to attend school at SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan.

The reason I’m proud is because all the activities carried out during the three days went very smoothly because of the hard work of the Board of OSIS, who successfully made changes at MPLS this year, so it was different from previous years.

Another thing that gave me a sense of pride is that both my friend and I were trusted, by our teacher Mr. Made Priyana, to manage our school digital magazine. Every morning the three of us work to review the photographs and video documentation we have taken during the MPLS activities, together with the tasks the new students have to do. Through this digital magazine we can introduce 21st century learning methods to new students. I’m happy to say that the response from teachers and parents has been very positive to the concept of these activities.  This has been a wonderful positive experience for me, as it is the first time I have been given the responsibility to directly manage my school digital magazine.

CLASS : IX A (26)

Fill Myself With Knowledge in 21 Century

Being  member of OSIS was my dream since I was in 5th grade in elementary school, I am a type of person that very curious with new things that I think it interesting, then when I get in junior high school I registered my self to be a member of OSIS in SMP Negeri 2 Kuta Selatan. Now I have been a member of OSIS twice. In my opinion being a member of OSIS had many assignment from school that really make me tired, because when its time for school holiday we have to be the committee of the Student Orientation period / MPLS event which the purpose is  to build the character for the new student and introducing the school to them. But the tiredness that we feel was paid with the knowledge that we got at school, we’ re not just taught how to be in organization and just have friends, but here we also learn to be a good leader, and being an example for the new student that will be our next generation and learn to take the advantage of the technology in correct ways.

Here my story begin obviously with my amazing experiences. Being the committee of MPLS for three days was an amazing thing for me, it’s not only get to know the new student but also learn to make a simple creation using the  technological sophistication in small room with friends and teacher with brilliant ideas. Technological sophistication nowadays is the ideas of this simple creations, as if we do not want to miss this opportunity we learn how to use it and create something using the technological sophistication.

The application of learning in 21 century in MPLS this year we hope the new student do not “blind” in technology, meaning technology is not only seen as arena who want to be famous but also a contest to show the world that we can be a nation that understand the meaning of technology and use it wisely. The creation that I mean is make an digital magazine which the function is for connecting media for Spendu member, beside put our documentation in Mahardika digital magazine blog. We also published on some media social account that we have such as Youtube channel and Instagram that obviously contain the documentation of Spendu activity and all the  amazing achievement of Spendu student. We can easily publish all Spendu activity with this media social. From this small thing we can make something to become viral and it positive and educative. Of course  this experience add more perceptions about technology for me, open my mind for more knowledge and amazing ideas. From tiny room to unlimited space in 21 century learning process.

Name : Ni Made Ayu Trisna Anggreni
Class : IX A 
Number : 06

My Story About MPLS this Year

I feel happy to be a committee mpls this year of teaching, this is actually the second time I became a committee mpls because last year I also participated, which is usually I was taught by teachers and now I had the opportunity to be a teacher during this mpls. I can educate younger siblings who annoying but they are very exciting and willing to appreciate the other committee. Here I really have to extra patience, just like the teacher who taught me in the class, I have felt what the teachers so far feel sad and happy.When mpls also very exciting, especially when playing games and introductions with younger siblings that are not less exciting and with friends spends kutsel osis and when making yells at the class room. I’m very proud to be given this golden opportunity to increase my potential in organizing. Although my friends who are not Osis they are feeling the holidays, and we osis administrators are always at school, but I think it is very Thanks osis supervisor who I feel happy to be a committee mpls this year of teaching, this is actually the second time I became a committee mpls because last year I also participated, which is usually I was taught by teachers and now I had the opportunity to be a teacher during this mpls.I can educate younger siblings who annoying but they are very exciting and willing to appreciate the other committee. Here I really have to have extra patience, just like the teacher who taught me in the class, I have felt what the teachers so far feel sad and happy.When mpls also very exciting, especially when playing games and introductions with younger siblings that are not less exciting and with friends spendu kutsel osis and when making yells in the classroom.I’m very proud to be given this golden opportunity to increase my potential in organizing. Even my friends who are not Osis they are enjoying the holidays, and we Osis administrators are always at school, but I think it is very cheerfull and happy.Thanks Osis supervisor who has guide me and other Osis friends.

Nama : Michelle Purnama Sari Y.H
No : 23
Kelas : IX J

The Struggle Won the Smile

Brain in an activity. That's the message conveyed by Mr. Made Priyana Ginada. Being a part in the school event is the valuable lesson we get. One of them is MPLS activity. Being a small committee to succeed an event is a separate pride. Taught has a very high sense of compactness and sense of solidarity of interities. The love of love, that's the theme taken for MPLs. In this activity they can get to know others and love each other. Three short days to see the excitement on our sister's sister's lips. Greetings OsissPendu

Nama : Ni Ketut Nik Puji Mayangtari 
No.      : 18
Kelas. : VIII A

Hi, my name is Komang Ayu Fika Febrian Fransiska Devi, my nick name Fika. I'm fourteen years old, now i'm studying at SMP N 2 South Kuta. In SMP N 2 South Kuta i'm as an OSIS, and yesterday in my school entered Masa Pengenalan Lingkungan Sekolah ( the introduction of the school environtment ), there i'm participated as a committe. From of that activity , i had lot of experience, like how to team work and to be responsible act. I enjoyed with my job and i'm happy, i can follow that activity

Nama : Komang Ayu Fika Febrian Fransiska Devi
Kelas : IX D

Hari Pertama Mendampingi Adik - Adik

On the first day I accompanied the younger sister of prospective new students, I am Happy because I can accompany the younger brother who will carry out the introduction of the school environment . The first day I can help in carrying out the activities of the activity, the second day I am very the first day I can help in carrying out the activities of the activity, the second day I am very Happy because my younger brother can work together in doing activities that are help and my feeling is I feel Happy because younger brother can work together in doing the activity and I also a little angry because when I speak they do not listen to me 

Nama : ni nyoman pande vidya paramita 
No      : 21
Kelas : 8 B

Useful Orgazinational Experience

Here I would like to share my exprience of being a school committe(mpls) in Junior High School 2 South Kuta.I feel happy and proud to be a committee in the introduction of the school environment,in the event I learned a lot of meaning of patience,love affection, discipline time,cooperation, confidence ,solidarity, skills and responsible.Besides that, me and the new students make songs for our group and we sing,have fun and laugh together there I think the importance of the love of your fellow human beings.And lastly I will be said if I know the moment off happiness,singing and laughing together will soon pass.And it can not be denied that this expreince is extraordinary,for new student participants"LEARN AND ACHIEVEMENT"!!!

Name : I Made Rizki Ramanda Putra
Class  : (29/IX C)

The Experince When Assisted Intra School Organisation to Host the Orientation for New Students

This experience make me froud,because when the intra organisation of students hosted the orientation for new stundents,i always feel happy to make my yunior to join to grow art and the culture of Bali.

I was wondering when i accompanied my junior in the class room and i thinked,if I graduate from this school,who will replace me..?specialy in art and drama and i hope it still go on.
I was willing to find my yunior in talent, and i will educate them in Art and Culture.
And finaly,i got the persons wich is talented in art and i hope they can replace me and senior in the future.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Tantram Nanda Saputra

Always Together, We Can do It

Hello,my name is swadarma.Today i will share my experience.Last week,my school held an admission.At that time,i become the committee organizer.Activities ran smoothly,all participans are thrilled and very excited.Altrough there is bit of problem,but it's not hard for us.Because before the event held,all everything was prepare.The best experience i had,when i got the assignment to be a new studenf guide.last year,i was do same thing,but at this moment is very different.afther the event was finished,all the participans has become student of Junios High School number 2 south kuta.from that day,i learned that an organization would be succesful if all members would trust each other and team work is the most important thing.I will never forget the moment like that

Name :I Kadek Swadarma De Lopa
Grade :IX

Experience in School

My experience in enrollment of new students in school, this activity is very fun because we can gather with friends. In the MPLS period in schools, many students are excited to participate in MPLS activities and many other exciting activities. I pay attention to all students, their nature is all different and very interesting. We also sing together in the classroom and learn to socialize. I am happy to meet them. I hope this will be a very meaningful experience

Nama     : Gabriella Leora Vanessa Lael K
Kelas      : IX9c
No           : 19

Event of MPLS

In this time i would like to tell you about my story. So, this is my story.
I have a program in my school, the name of the program is MPLS. MPLS is a event when the students guided to be a science prefix for the future. In this program i have a team that is OSIS.  The task of my team is to direct the event as well as to be a committee in the event. For three days I perform tasks well and run smoothly. Here I can know the brothers and sisters of various kinds there are naughty and some are funny. For three days they followed the activity by showing discipline.Likes and sorrows with the brothers and sisters we have passed and many get benefits. This is my experience with my brothers and sisters. Have a nice day !

Name : Ni Made Christa Adelia Putri
Number : 11
Class : IX F


In 3 days i'm became a committen in the activities mpls at smp n 2 kuta selatan.During the activities mpls lasted i got a lot ekperience.During the activities mpls i'm attmted train patience:v.The poin in 3 days i'm get imprssion unbelievable:')

No.     :07
Kelas. 8B

My Experience

My exprience at mpls is take care of team Ambon.and i am very happy to take care of team Ambon,because its child is good and funny


3 Days that I Would Never Forget

My name is I Dewa Ayu Candra Gita Dewi, I'am grade 9a. I want to tell about my experience when 9th-11th July 2018.

During my three days experience as a part of a student organization, I was introducing my school environment of Junior Highschool 2 South Kuta to my juniors. This will be an experience that I would never forget. Me, and my two other friends served to be a companion "osis" for "Ambon tribe" and was assigned in IX F classroom. 

The first time I went to the classroom, I felt a little awkward, but I ventured to greet the my juniors and introduced myself. Unlike what I expect, the members of the Ambon tribe could quickly get along with me, and then we played some games that help them get to know each other. The next day we played with other tribes on the school grounds, we were all very excited. In the classroom, we strived to foster their creativity by creating a yel for the tribe. After going through many races, it turns out our team did not win. However, we thought that the Ambon tribe is still the best tribe😉

Many experiences that I have got in just 3 days. I could feel a little on how to be a teacher. Accompanying, and entertaining the juniors was a very exciting and fun things. I could also learn to be more responsible, more confident in speaking in front of many people, and more discipline, in order to be a good example for the juniors. And of course I could be familiar with them. I feel very proud of being able to participate in the student organization, although during this holiday I have to go to school, but I could get a very useful experience that I would never forget😆.

My Experience So the Committee MPLS

my experience is to know that standing in front of it is not easy and I realize that we have to respect in the future and my experience becomes more daring to perform and so thank you

Nama: I Putu Wahyu Eka Jaya
Kelas : VIII H
No     : 29